Front-End Engineering

Welcome to the Front End Engineering Course! In this dynamic learning journey, you’ll delve into the fascinating world of web development, mastering the art of crafting user interfaces that captivate and engage. Whether you’re a seasoned developer seeking to enhance your skills or a beginner eager to embark on this exciting path, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools essential for modern front-end development. Get ready to unlock your creativity, build responsive and user-friendly interfaces, and bring your digital visions to life. Happy coding!


HTML5 and Semantic Markup
  • Create well-structured and semantically meaningful HTML documents.
JavaScript Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
  • Implement dynamic and interactive features with a strong understanding of JavaScript
Version Control with Git
  • Efficiently collaborate and manage code using Git and platforms like GitHub
CSS3 Styling and Layout Techniques
  • Design visually engaging and responsive user interfaces using CSS
Front-End Frameworks and Libraries
  • Navigate and utilize popular front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue
Web Performance Optimization and Best Practices
  • Optimize web performance, implement accessibility standards, and ensure secure coding practices


Average Salary for Front-End Engineer


Growth Rate for Front-End Engineer

Course Duration

6 Months

Course Price



Learning Mode



  • Quality on a budget
  • Diverse tech course portfolio
  • Verified diploma certificates
  • Peer connectivity through student groups
  • Industry relevant curriculum
  • Continuous career support
  • Internship and job placement assistance


"Enrolling in the Front End Engineering course has been a pivotal step in my career growth. The course's hands-on approach, covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, equipped me with the essential skills needed for creating dynamic and user-friendly web interfaces. Through real-world projects and interactive sessions, I gained practical experience and developed a deep understanding of modern front-end development frameworks. The instructors' expertise and focus on industry best practices provided valuable insights that have been crucial in elevating my capabilities as a front-end engineer. I highly recommend this course to anyone aiming to excel in the ever-evolving field of front-end development."

Course Curriculum


Front-End Developer

Web Developer

UI/UX Developer

React/Angular/Vue Developer

Front-End Engineer

Mobile Web Developer

UI/UX Tester



Q1: Are there any additional costs apart from the course fee?

Answer: There are no additionl costs attached apart from the course fee

Q1: Are there any hidden fees I should be aware of?

Answer: There are no hidden fees at all

Q1: Are there any discounts available for early enrollment or group registrations?

Answer: Yes, discounts are available for early registration or group registration

Q1: Is there a cost associated with the final certification or exam?

Answer: No. Such does not happen.

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