Welcome to the School of Creativity at NeoVacity Africa, where we ignite your creative spark and equip you with the skills to turn your imagination into stunning visual and digital creations. Our faculty is dedicated to fostering your artistic talent and providing you with the tools to thrive in the dynamic world of design and multimedia. Explore Our Creativity Courses!

Graphics Design and Video Editing

Dive into the world of visual storytelling with our Graphics Design and Video Editing course. Learn the art of crafting captivating graphics, animations, and video content. Master industry-standard software and turn your ideas into compelling visuals.

Web Development (WordPress Mastery)

Take your web design skills to the next level with our Web Development (WordPress Mastery) course. Discover the secrets of creating modern, user-friendly websites using WordPress. Transform your passion for design into professional, functional web solutions.

Executive Virtual Assistance

Take your web design skills to the next level with our Web Development (WordPress Mastery) course. Discover the secrets of creating modern, user-friendly websites using WordPress. Transform your passion for design into professional, functional web solutions.

Why Choose Our Courses?

1. Expert Instructors:

Our courses are led by seasoned professionals who bring industry experience and insights into the virtual classroom. Benefit from their guidance and practical knowledge throughout your learning journey.

2. Hands-on learning

We believe in learning by doing. Our courses are filled with interactive projects, case studies, and real-world examples that ensure you gain practical skills that you can immediately apply..

3. Flexibility and Convenience

Learn at your own pace and on your schedule. Our platform allows you to access course materials whenever and wherever it suits you, making skill acquisition seamlessly integrated into your routine.

4. Certification

Upon successful completion of our courses, you’ll receive a certificate that recognizes your achievement.

5. Installment Payments

It is not necessary that you pay once, you can achieve your dream by paying us in installments

6. Job/Internship Placement Support

We assist you in getting your dream job easily!

6. Learning Mode

We offer varieties of learning mode: virtual, physical, or both.