Self Discovery & Financial FITNESS PRO

Achieve Personal Fulfillment and Financial Success

Program Overview:

Welcome to the Self Discovery & Financial FITNESS PRO program, where you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and financial empowerment. This program is designed to help you uncover your true potential, set meaningful goals, and achieve financial fitness for a more fulfilling life.

Duration: 12 weeks

Certification: Self Discovery & Financial FITNESS PRO Certificate

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Discover your strengths, values, and purpose
  • Set SMART goals for personal and financial success
  • Develop a healthy relationship with money
  • Learn practical financial management skills
  • Create a personalized financial plan for long-term wealth

This program is perfect for:

  • Individuals seeking personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Professionals looking to improve their financial literacy and achieve financial independence.
  • Anyone who wants to live a more fulfilling and empowered life.


Benefits of Attending:

  • Expert-led instruction:Learn from experienced entrepreneurs and ecommerce professionals who have built successful businesses.
  • Interactive learning:Participate in case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises to solidify your understanding.
  • Supportive community:Connect with fellow aspiring entrepreneurs, share experiences, and build valuable networking connections.
  • Actionable strategies:Leave the program equipped with a personalized roadmap to launch and grow your ecommerce business.
  • Exclusive resources:Gain access to bonus materials, templates, and industry discounts to accelerate your progress.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to turn your ecommerce dreams into a reality! Enroll today!

Course Duration

10 Days

Course Price


Learning Mode


Course Curriculum

Self Discovery & Financial FITNESS PRO: Unlock Your Potential & Build Financial Freedom

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and financial empowerment? The Self Discovery & Financial FITNESS PRO program is your guide to unlocking both personal fulfillment and financial well-being.

In this comprehensive program, you will:

  • Self Discovery
  • Identifying your values, strengths, and goals
  • Understanding your mindset and beliefs about money
  • Self Discovery II
  • Develop empowering beliefs:Challenge limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
  • Navigate life transitions:Learn effective coping mechanisms and resilience strategies to navigate personal and professional changes with grace.
  • Goal Setting
  • Setting SMART goals for personal and financial success
  • Creating a vision board to visualize your goals
  • Financial Fitness Fundamentals
  • Understanding the basics of personal finance
  • Budgeting, saving, and investing for financial security
  • Money Mindset Mastery:
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs about money
  • Cultivating a positive and abundance mindset
  • Debt Management and Credit Building
  • Strategies for managing debt and improving credit score
  • Using credit wisely to build wealth
  • Creating Your Financial Plan
  • Developing a personalized financial plan
  • Setting up systems for tracking and managing your finances

Don’t wait to invest in yourself and your future! Enroll today!

Class Schedule

Monday: 11 am – 1 pm
Wednesday:  9 am – 11 am
Friday:  1 pm – 3 p



Q1: Are there any additional costs apart from the course fee?

Answer: There are no additionl costs attached apart from the course fee

Q1: Are there any hidden fees I should be aware of?

Answer: There are no hidden fees at all

Q1: Are there any discounts available for early enrollment or group registrations?

Answer: Yes, discounts are available for early registration or group registration

Q1: Is there a cost associated with the final certification or exam?

Answer: No. Such does not happen.